Dec 09, 2019
Jan 02, 2018 What is Net Neutrality and How Does It Affect You Dec 18, 2019 The End of Net Neutrality: Why You Need a VPN The End of Net Neutrality: Why You Need a VPN By IP Location Virtual Private Network , 1 Comments Last Modified on 2018-11-18 Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web and the Internet as we know it today, envisioned a resource based on the philosophy …
Dec 09, 2019
The decision on Net Neutrality can, and should, be mitigated by every internet user making the decision to employ a VPN. A Net Neutrality VPN is now a consumer essential. Ajit Pai is only a symptom of a greater malaise.
Arguments Against and For Net Neutrality in 2017 Debate Supporting Net Neutrality Rules. It is a basic human right. Net Neutrality is the guiding principle of the internet. It preserves our right to browse freely and communicate openly over the internet. Net Neutrality enables and protects free speech.
Using a VPN after the net neutrality repeal. A virtual private network (VPN) makes a Wi-Fi network private, whether it's in your home or at a coffee shop. A VPN masks your IP address and establishes a secure and encrypted connection. After the end of net neutrality, ISPs can track your IP address to observe your browsing history and to After FCC vote, Net Neutrality is dead. However, if configured properly, a trusted VPN service like NordVPN can act as your trusted privacy companion by allowing you to access the web with the So the repeal of net neutrality doesn't mean you need a VPN any more than you ever did—right now. But VPNs were an important tool before the repeal of net neutrality. In addition to the privacy You can use a VPN to battle ISP net neutrality abuse. The FCC's butchery of net neutrality has become law, and people are turning to virtual private networks to preserve their privacy and access. Net Neutrality - Should we Have Unrestricted Internet? The issue of net neutrality has been a hot topic over the previous couple of years, especially in the US. With many people declaring the "death of net neutrality," there's still an ongoing debate whether net neutrality is a good or bad thing.