How to Find My DNS Server IP Address in Linux

Hi everyone, I have a question about how secury my reverse bind/dns server. Today I have the following scenario: allow-transfer { clients; } dns - How do I find the authoritative name-server for a To find out the name servers of a domain on Unix: % dig +short NS To find out the server listed as primary (the notion of "primary" is quite fuzzy these days and typically has no good answer): % dig +short SOA | cut -d' ' -f1 Check your DNS records with dig -

Find out “A” record (IP address) of Domain. # nslookup Server: Address: …

Desktop users need to set DNS server using the NetworkManager graphical configuration tool. Setting Nameservers on Ubuntu 18.04 Server. We need to add DNS nameservers to the yaml interface configuration file. You can find the interface file under the /etc/netplan directory. How to Find DNS (Domain Name Server) Records on Linux Nov 12, 2019

There is easy way to find the dns servers is using nslookup tool. This command available in windows and linux operating system.There is a few nslookup option that can help us to get more details on the dns server of the website that we browse. See below for example. The result will return the na

To find out the name servers of a domain on Unix: % dig +short NS To find out the server listed as primary (the notion of "primary" is quite fuzzy these days and typically has no good answer): % dig +short SOA | cut -d' ' -f1 Check your DNS records with dig - Apr 19, 2005 How to get primary DNS server ip of specific domain I probably don't see the difference between domain ip adress and ip address of its primary DNS server – Krab Nov 4 '14 at 19:17 Then you need to research more on how DNS works. It is not so complicated, a set of records for different purposes.